Assignment: Composition Course Analysis

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April, 2016
Composition Course Assessment I first learned to write in school, as I remember it. My earliest memory pertains to Mrs. Holkman’s lesson that taught writing the actual letters, both in printed and in cursive. Since then my writing has increased both in quantity and quality. Outside of school I did not write much, or at all for that matter, because there was no real intrinsic motivational drive for me to, and no extrinsic reasons either. In school I began writing in gradually excelling increments, as everyone else probably did. Slowly my words became sentences, my sentences became paragraphs, my paragraphs became stories, my stories became pages, now my ideas are allowed to fully flow from my mind to the page in an appealing manner. …show more content…

I begin once my topic or main idea has been selected. From there I build a foundation of points mentally and often will write them ahead of what I am writing in few words and unorganized. Depending on whom I write for my process remains unchanging, but my word usage and style will alter. I find that if I am writing a paper for research, though I shouldn’t, I attempt to throw in extra vivid language and put a certain amount attention grabbing ideas or comments, though I shouldn’t be so blasé with it. I do this to keep the reader intrigued in hope that the other papers they read are dull and that mine has the chance to liven up their mood. I really think that the written word is one of G-d’s greatest gifts. After a very loose definition of an outline has been lain, I will resume to write until I have laced all the points I am able to and have a rudimentary conclusion. At this point I elaborate further into my conclusion and make sure it is suffice. I reread and retype until what I think is my optimal finished product. I do not rely on peer editing or feedback from others; granted I think it would behoove me to use criticism from an outside source, I simply prefer to keep my thoughts my own and detest when others attempt to influence or alter what my thoughts and ideas are. I read over what I have written and envision I’m comparing a blank outline to my project to evaluate its flow and organization. I admittedly have an issue …show more content…

Companies will often send their employees to classes on how to improve their writing. This is because the entire world requires that we have good writing capabilities. The world requires of us to be able to efficiently and clearly so we can effectively communicate. This is a well-known fact that outside of school, the rest of the world requires us to read and write. After school more is expected of you; if you make mistake in class you receive a bad grade, but if you make mistakes in your job you may very well be out of work. I think that it is imperative that we learn to write with good grammar, organization, and style. I believe that all jobs not only require this, but deserve it. We are paid in the real world to get a job done, it is only fair that we do it

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