Assessing Mark Antony's Speech to the Crowd in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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Assessing Mark Antony's Speech to the Crowd in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar The first half of the play has built up to the assassination of Caesar by the conspirators led by Brutus. At the beginning of the play, when the citizens of Rome love Caesar he is giving a speech to the Romans and everything seems fine but in the background in the out courts the plays audience witness Cassius’ attempts to begin to get Brutus on the side of the conspirators who want to assassinate Caesar. Whilst talking to Cassius, Brutus accidentally says aloud “If it aught toward the general good, Set honour in one eye and death I’ th’ other, will look good on both indifferently”. This is all the encouragement that Cassius needs and carries on flattering Brutus to make him a conspirator too. And so Brutus spends months despairing whether or not to join the conspirators, which leads up to his soliloquy in the middle of his orchard on the morning of the ides of march the day that a soothsayer has warned Caesar about. Brutus is in the orchard because he cannot sleep and takes the time out to think over his options with regards to the assassination of Caesar, his servant gives Brutus a letter of petition from the people of Rome saying that they want rid of Caesar, we hear his choice in his soliloquy, “It must be by his death” conceding that Caesar's death is for the good of Rome and that it is best that he join the conspirators also. The rest of the conspirators turn up at Brutus’ trying to get his decision, Brutus signifies his allegiance with the men with a handshake with all of them. Brutus then becomes the head leader of the conspirators where ... ... middle of paper ... ...rything appears to be going his way when he is told that Brutus and Cassius had been run out of Rome he says it is to do with how “I have moved the crowd”. The effect that Antony has had on the crowd is that a mob kills Cinna the poet just for having the same name as a conspirator. Antony seizes power at the first opportunity he gets, he tells Octavius that they should get rid of Lepidus and make the three way split they had planned a two way split this shows how very ambitious Antony is. At the end of the play Antony finds the body of Brutus on the battle field, he stands over it and claims that Brutus was “the noblest roman of them all” this shows his true respect for Brutus and admitting all along he knew Brutus did what was right for Rome in his heart and shows how devious and manipulative Antony was to the crowd.

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