Assault Weapons Persuasive Essay

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A solution to assault style weapons and large capacity magazines. I would like to see a full ban on large capacity magazines as their practicality for civilian use is minimal. For assault style weapons using the AR 15 as reference. I believe a stricter protocol for selling these weapons could be helpful, as many other countries have implemented stricter gun laws have they have proven successful. I would propose that for someone to obtain a semi-automatic rifle the buyer should go through a mental health evaluation and, a firearms safety test along with a waiting period before you physically can obtain the firearm. This would be similar to obtaining a driver's license but, for that specific gun. In my research a total number of mass shootings involving the AR-15 is unavailable. Although we can look at how many mass shootings since 2004, when the 1994 assault weapons ban ended. According to the Mother Jones database the 48 total mass shootings since 2004, 13 featured semiautomatic or assault style …show more content…

Now this does not represent the whole United States but a lot of it. A look at current gun laws for Oregon is that there is no registration of AR-15s required. There is no waiting period to buy an AR-15. A background check is required to purchase an AR-15 in Oregon either by private party, through a licensed gun dealer, or at a gun show. You also only need to be 18 to legally purchase a firearm. So the gun laws of the Beaver state are pretty relaxed (Kirk & Quandt). With this said I could easily go into a store and purchase one of these weapons that can very deadly. Purchasing something that has the ability to shoot at such a fast rate and so accurately should not just be handed out to anyone that can pass such a relaxed protocol. Through my research I found several other states have similar laws (Kirk &

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