Asb Personal Statement

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In my junior year of high school, I joined the leadership program called ASB, also known as associated student body. I had the honor and role of being the school’s unofficial videographer to promote events with videos and short films posted on our social media sites because of my passion for video editing and artistic abilities. I also became responsible as being chairman for one of our committees to organize special recognition events for our senior athletes. ASB made my work stressful and challenging, but it was a good way to connect with others. One of my main focuses in ASB was connecting with the majority of the school’s interests. Being the outsider, I had to adapt to develop a new concept and interests to connect with the school. When planning and organizing events, you have to try to please the general audience. Different events made me discover that other lifestyles and personalities to me that I never knew. I encountered that I influenced others to media and video graphics from my work. Many enjoyed my work and I ended up teaching others how to edit. This enabled me to meet new people and see other talents people had in them. As such, they were interested and wanted to continue the little short films. …show more content…

This experience made me realize that I have accept with others disagreeing with me. This leadership experience led me to result as a more outgoing person in life. I also leaner leadership is something that grows overtime as a person and not something to gain by doing one

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