As It Is in Heaven

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As It Is in Heaven is a film that has outlined various distinctions in planning issues between the urban and rural environments. There is a sharp difference in infrastructural planning and the use of aesthetics between the two principal towns in the film, including Innsbruck and Norrland. In addition, the film depicts a high rural to urban migration compared to urban to rural resettlement, with the main reason for this being the search for greener pastures in the metropolis.
There is a significant distinction in infrastructural planning in both urban and rural setups. In the film, a high infrastructural development and well-planned transportation network are shown in the urban setup where Daniel (the music conductor) lives before suffering from a heart attack. As the film highlights the successful music career that Daniel enjoys in the city, various scenes of high-class infrastructural planning are shown. These include good road network systems, a well-furnished theater in which Daniel is working and the high number of skyscrapers in the city. On the other hand, Norrland, the village town in which Daniel finally settles in lacks a proper transportation system. This is probably due to the low population density in the village and the subsequent low traffic in the area (Leung 23). By using the floor area ratio as a tool for urban planning, Norrland can be said to have a value of below 1.5. This implies that the town is justified in lacking a complex transport system as opposed to Innsbruck City, which can be estimated to have a floor area ratio of above five. Buildings in metropolitan areas should be built to contain the high number of inhabitants in them (Leung 25). Those with a population density of thirty and beyond should have t...

... middle of paper ... population in the cities.
As It Is in Heaven is a film about a legendary musical conductor who decides to return to his infancy village to redeem himself and find peace of mind after recovering from a deadly heart attack. The film highlights various distinctions between the urban and rural cultural setups. There are also several significant differences as regards how the two cultures (urban and rural) have been planned. As It Is in Heaven also highlights some of the issues in urban planning that need to be addressed in both urban and rural environments.

Works Cited

Leung, Hok L. Land Use Planning Made Plain. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2003. Print.
Levy, John M. Contemporary Urban Planning. Trenton, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003. Print.
Porteous, John D. Environmental Aesthetics: Ideas, Politics and Planning. London, UK: Routledge, 1996. Print.

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