As I Lay Dying Theme Essay

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“I wish I had time to let her die”- Dewey Dell (120). Grief is a prominent, and beautifully expressed theme in As I Lay Dying. William Faulkner allows readers an in depth perspective of each character's psyche. He gives the characters their own unique personality, and their own distinctive way of coping with the death of Addie Bundren. He demonstrates their individualism through the correlation between the five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, and the five main characters: Vardaman, Jewel, Dewey Dell, Darl, Anse. The first stage of grief is Denial. Denying reality is a defense mechanism contrived by the body to lessen the pain of loss. Denial is when the pain of a lost one is so extreme one cannot grasp the reality of what had just happened. Vardaman experiences these feelings throughout the novel. He does not know how to cope with the tragic death of his mother Addie. He is too young to comprehend the harsh meaning of death. He displays this lack of comprehension and the denial of his mother's death in a particularly gruesome …show more content…

After the bargain stage, people's minds begin move back into the present. Thus triggering the feeling of deep sadness. With the feeling of this great depression, one loses focus on themselves “I don’t know if I am or not. (80)”, as well as reality itself. Faulkner shows the readers how depressed Darl truly becomes in the final stages of the book. He loses his grip on his sanity “yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (253).” Darl is so deep in his sadness he has been declared mentally insane. He is traumatized by his memories of the war and the knowledge that he will never have the time back with his late mother. Darl appears to be the more thoughtful person in his family, always being able to sense what other people are thinking. With great bagged of knowing what everyone around you in thinking, it can break a person's mental

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