Article Analysis Of The Article What's Going On In Our Prisons?

1221 Words3 Pages

Daniel Amiel
Professor O’Rourke
English 103
16 February 2018
Identifying and Evaluating Arguments
The article, “What’s Going On in Our Prisons?”, was written by Michele Deitch and Michael B. Mushlin. Michele Deitch has a juris doctorate’s degree from Harvard Law School, a master’s degree in psychology from Oxford University, and a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College ( She is an attorney and a teacher at the University of Texas. Her work experience has been, “30 years of experience working on criminal justice and juvenile justice policy issues with state and local government official’s corrections administrators, judges and advocates” ( She has written about the topic of juvenile justice. Michael B. Mushlin
One ground of the article includes the story of a prisoner, “Leonard Strickland’s barbaric and unnecessary death at the hands of prison guards at the Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York highlights the need for independent oversight of the state’s prisons” (Deitch and Mushlin 1). Another ground is when the authors spoke of an audit which occurred in 2006 which pointed out that the commission had failed with the responsibility of regulating prisons (Deitch and Mushlin 2). An event that took place recently where a committee on correction spoke for the need of oversight also is included as grounds (Deitch and Mushlin 3). Another ground that supports one of the reasonings of the main claim is the following statement, “accountability is even more urgent in the nation’s jails and prisons, given their closed environments and lack of cellphones and body cameras to capture abusive encounters” (Deitch and Mushlin 2).
One warrant that can be taken from this article is that mistreatment is wrong, isolation is bad for you, and mental health is important. Also, we should look at the benefits because benefits are good. Another warrant is that cameras will ensure accountability. Lastly for warrants, prisons are failing so oversight is

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