Art Therapy Connection (ATC)

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In the Sutherland, Waldman, and Collins (2011) study, the researchers used Art Therapy as a way to get students to stay in school. Art Therapy Connection (ATC) is a nonprofit in Chicago, IL that uses Adlerian beliefs to enhance and develop group cooperation, cohesion, and identity. It is used in a in-school setting where adults refer students with emotional, behavioral, or social problems. The Adlerian belief is that an individual can only possess feeling of belonging (leading to better self-esteem and confidence) when they are involved and being helpful to other people. Through ATC the students use group art therapy to find belonging and develop skills in self-awareness and self-management. “We believe that the art therapy process throughout …show more content…

Many educational systems push more for students to be interested in STEM jobs because they are deemed as higher paying jobs but science isn't mutually exclusive to art and the art and creative sector is vibrant and fulfilling as well. Students need to be able to be well rounded and creative in order to be innovative and implement change in their areas and increase the quality of their lives. Students in low income neighborhoods often see that their parents with employment issues and little social capital to help them learn about different career fields. Due to this their opportunities to access different careers are limited. A case study in Philadelphia shows that students who are able to be apart of a paid internship miss school less, do better in their academics, and have high graduation rates. It isn’t just the lack of jobs that is a issue in these neighborhoods, but also the lack of variety. Students are not seeing different types of careers like in arts, entrepreneurship, and other fields. In these cities students mostly see large corporations and liquor stores, thus stunting their vision on what true business and a good job market looks like. Students are forced to try to get jobs at big corporations like Walmart and McDonalds and are not encouraged to pursue their interest in playing a musical instrument or doing public art. When the school budgets cut out art in the curriculum, it not only leaves students in a opportunity desert but it also cuts the first gateway students have to the artistic career fields: art

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