Essay On Becoming An Art Therapist

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What made the final decision for the career you chose for yourself? Is it something you are passionate about doing? Was it the money? Well what if you could take an assessment test of your skills and see what career would be best for you? You don’t want to be stuck doing a job that you do not enjoy because you thought it paid well. After exploring two very different careers, it was interesting to see what I found. A Business Executive and an art therapist have very little in common. From planning an enterprise's future to training and evaluating employees, Business Executives are highly noted for their ideas and huge contributions to a company's success. They have huge financial responsibilities in dealing with an organization's budget. By analyzing financial statements they can help increase productivity and efficiency inside the business. As part of the duties that come with being a powerful Business Executive, you get offered an ample amount of contracts, therefore you must know how to negotiate a contract to earn some profit in your favor. Companies are continuously looking for someone to contribute new ideas that could better their business by making them more successful. Since there is a wide range of business skills …show more content…

Also, after completing the number of post-graduate training hours, you may then take the Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB) certification exam. The employment rate for this career is rather small, though the 10 year growth rate is expected to be average, with the exception of a few openings annually. In this field, you can expect to make a humble salary of about 41,000; this is due to the unfamiliarity of the career and the lack of demand for it to exist. But, future demand may be particularly high in the mental health

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