Arranged Marriages In Canada

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Marriage isn’t an easy milestone; potential soul mates are universally everywhere. Subsequently why are there several individuals that either don’t take marriage seriously or don’t get married at all? It’s easy to love someone but compatibility, trust, common backgrounds, family input are key and they all play a factor in a successful marriage. Statistics Canada confirms 4 in 10 marriages end in divorce, where on the other hand where arranged marriages are practices they have a higher success rate as the divorce rate is only at an estimate of 4%. Arranged marriages occur by having two individual families looking for a suitor with the same backgrounds and cultural views and having the maybe bride and groom meet up to see if there are any sparks …show more content…

In an arranged marriage it’s tough at the beginning, the couple do not know one another as well as they should but the relationship progresses the bond becomes stronger. There are many positives in an arranged marriage for example the divorce rate is much lower then other marriages. Since this type of marriage is practiced most in eastern side of the country there is a social stigma for divorce and leaving your children and wife, due to this stigma the couple usually just learn to live with or work out. Another positive is the man and the woman come from the same social class, and have similar religious and cultural background, which helps them get along. It is difficult for a couple that have different cultural and religious backgrounds to get along at times due to lack of understanding on both ends.. “Mixed marriages often face additional struggles and challenges in the field of parenting. Raising a child always leads to conflicts if the parents are not on the same page.” When looking for a suitor the elders make sure the suitor is well suited for their child, so they do not struggle in the future and once they have found someone that will be well suited for the marriage they plan a meeting for the bride and groom. If they are interested in one another then they usually ask for meetings to get to know one another and …show more content…

It was believed that arranged marriages would create stronger, happier marriages, which also took form in social, political, alliances. Arranged marriages are still the most successful marriage over love marriage which are now most commonly seen in the western community. Arranged marriages were a norm in the Elizabethan era and were followed out for a long period of time until the 18th century where love marriage was introduced and individuals were able to choose their own partner. Arranged marriages back then were roughly like forced marriage where the bride had practically no say about her future husband. Woman in the Elizabethan era were more obedient to men as they were thought as the lower figure in the relationship. “Western marriage is that the woman had very little, if any, choice in who her husband might be. Elizabethan Women were subservient to men. They were dependent on their male relatives to support them.” Now that love marriage has become the norm in our western society arranged marriages are most seen in the Middle East, Asia and Africa as they are third world countries cultural values, social class, and religion are still prominent and so love marriage is not as socially acceptable in these parts of world. The elders would much rather find someone that is qualified for their kin rather then those who are under qualified. In these countries since culture plays a

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