Arizona Healthcare System Case Study

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There is a serious problem in the prison system in the state of Arizona. And that problem is the current healthcare system that is in place. The prisoners that have been incarcerated in the past and in the present, do not have a sufficient amount of hygiene products that should be available to them. The bill that can solve this issue provides many hygiene products to prisoners for free. Some items include: tampons, shampoo, toothbrushes, aspirin, and body lotion. Providing these items for free to our prisoners can help them feel less like dogs and more likely to be correctly adopted back into society after their incarceration is over. The bill that can solve this issue is called HB 2638 and it was introduced by Sen. Juan Mendez and Rep. Athena …show more content…

There is a prisoner who claims to have gone an entire year without treatment, he was suffering from lymphoma (Ross). The healthcare system that is being run by Corizon is completely and utterly corrupt, enough to where a man suffering from cancer is not receiving the care that he needs. Thankfully, this man did not experience excruciating pain such as the earlier mentioned prisoner who had chewed off parts of their fingers. In further reviewing of the problem of the current healthcare in our prisons, it is easily identifiable that the company Corizon has been turning a blind eye to our prisoners in need. According to azcentral, the director of Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) states that “the health-management company retained by his department to manage inmate health care has been the root of the problem” (Kiefer). The healthcare problems have been caused by the company Corizon. Luckily, Corizon is receiving adequate punishment for their inadequate care for prisoners in the state of Arizona. For each instance of non-compliance they will be fined $1,000 (“Judge Calls Arizona”). In this case, Corizon receives a punishment for their past behavior and an incentive to improve their healthcare to prisoners so they do not lose money because of their actions. This is not just the company’s fault however, the doctors that are hired by corizon are to blame as well. This is so because Corizon and the ADC have stated that the doctors do not want to have inmates in their care (Jenkins). There are many different factors that play into the horrible healthcare in place in our prisons, but there are steps being taken that will lead to a proper system for

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