Arguments Against Gun Control

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A long-term issue in America has recently made a comeback in the news since the Parkland shooting in Florida. This has caused reactions from people with all kinds of viewpoints. Some people lobby for gun control, while others claim they have the right to have guns. Some people dream up conspiracy theories, some go to protests. But the majority of people do nothing. That is the reason that nothing has changed to prevent this sort of thing. it is because the people with the most power to change laws are the least likely to do so. Laws must change in order for massacres to stop.
Some proposed solutions include arming teachers and improving security measures. Not only would these solutions be expensive, but experts say that they wouldn’t be very effective (Source A). They could instead lead to many complications that would invalidate them. For example, arming teachers could cause accidental firing or the weapon could be stolen. Expensive security measures can easily be bypassed by using force, making them a waste of money.
The inaction of lawmakers has caused many people to rise up in opposition to them. Numerous school walkouts, marches, and protests have been organized to get the attention of legislators. Unfortunately, it has not convinced them. The Florida House of Representatives voted down a bill to regulate assault weapons 36-71. Ironically, they …show more content…

While they may not be banned, there are heavy restrictions in place to drive freely. The requirement is to pass 3 separate tests and have practiced a sufficient amount. Even then, it would not be allowed to drive more dangerous and larger vehicles, you would need a different license for that. Other countries, such as Japan, have similar regulations placed on gun ownership. They administer several tests and even a psychological evaluation before a person is cleared to buy a gun. As such, Japan has never experienced a mass

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