Arguments Against Common Law

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The United States follows ‘Common Law’, which is the following of the law as it evolves over decades and centuries of precedent through our court system. These laws have been carefully passed with litigation and debates, and are carefully thought out with impact on the people and include principles of honesty, fairness, respect, loyalty and duty1. If an individual or group of people feel they are being unfairly treated, they can protest the law but should continue to obey the law and respect the consequences of breaking the law.
The media would like to portray the current immigration protests as peaceful. However, the people that are protesting the immigration order are often disrupting businesses and destroying property. It is also important to understand if the protests are truly warranted or just another political maneuver by party opposition. For example, protests over Donald Trump were discovered to be paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters2. As more of these tactics are revealed, it weakens the protests that are genuine with the American public. …show more content…

This highly partisan bill was eventually passed into law, but the peaceful protests kept the debate alive through the 2016 presidential election because of its unpopularity among the taxpayers and voters of this country. The democrats in power passed the law without fully understanding the impact on the average taxpayer in this country3. But in this instance, people protested the law being passed. Once the law was passed, the protestors still obeyed the law but have not stopped their opposition. The issue is so divisive that many democrats lost their Senate and Congressional seat since its

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