Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Animal experimentation is as diminishing as a candle snuffer. An animal’s happiness and freedom are like the flame and the testing is like the snuffer. As soon as they are tested on, the animal’s flame goes out and all rights are taken from them. Animal experimentation should not be allowed or legal in the U.S. because it is unfair to animals. While they acknowledge the advancements brought from animal experimentation, many people criticize and object to the cruel practice. One reason for this is that animals and humans are extremely different species. Critics of animal testing believe that since the results are unreliable, animals should not have to go through the possible pain and torture of testing. Secondly, another reason people protest is because animals are denied their freedom and often suffer serious injury and discomfort when dragged through the process. Many people think they should …show more content…

Animal testing is similar to a school bully. The bully picks on someone smaller and weaker than they are and they cause the victim pain to help their self. Just like how many schools have a zero tolerance bully policy, 52% of people disagree, in any form, to animal experimentation. The poll was conducted towards the specific consideration of chimpanzees and dogs, which happens to be one of America’s favorite household pets. Also, the government protests animal experimentation as well. As a matter of fact, they fabricated regulations to prevent testing in the future. Even some people may still support it in a way, a large portion still believe that testing needs to have limitations. In addition, according to the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetic, methods excluding animal experimentation are inadequate for understanding the brain's function and disorders. The institute also says that when testing, animals should not be killed or tested in ways that affects their

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