Abortion: A Controversial Examination of Rights and Risks

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In this work we cover a debatable topic in our society and no matter how many diverse and opponent opinions are, abortion keeps being the interruption for pregnancy, it can be by choice or not. Abortion is seen as a human right just as the public health.
Many people are against abortion for what our culture determines, because of the way we think or simply because it’s a human being we are carrying on our bellies and from the moment that there exists fertilization a new life its created inside a woman and not just because every women can do whatever they want with their body, we can think that it is O.K. to take away the child’s life.
It’s important to mention that in abortion you are not just taking the life of a human being, the mother is also in danger of not being able to have more children or to even loose her life.
Another point that many people as me question and question others who decide to de an abortion is, if you are aware of the danger of having a sexual interaction without any contraceptive method why still do it? Although there are many birth controls methods nowadays, not wanting a pregnancy is a constant problem we see for many women with various age and different social classes.
The biggest groups …show more content…

There is adoption available because many women are in the look for becoming mothers but they can’t do it for their own reasons and you are just thinking of getting rid of that baby’s life. As you can see I am against abortion and one reason I think like this, is because of the he simple fact that the fetus, as many people call it, is a life from the moment of conception. Nowadays abortion is one method for all of those teenagers who don’t want to be parents for their young age but what we all need to pay attention is that there are many contraceptive methods to prevent an unwanted

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