Arguments About Overfishing

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Overfishing is Killing Our Fish
Overfishing has become a huge problem for today’s oceans. A total of almost 80% of the world's fisheries are fully- to over-exploited, depleted, or in a state of collapse. Overfishing is exactly what it seems like it would be. The act of “fishing too much” is when fishermen are catching fish so fast and with a high occurrence that the fish are not able to reproduce quickly enough to regrow the population in the respective bodies of water. This problem has gotten progressively worse as we humans are now relying on fish as a food resource even more then the past and the equipment and techniques used by the fishermen have made it easier and more efficiently for more fish than ever to be caught. Even though overfishing …show more content…

The first thing that needs to happen is to inform the public, including consumers and fishermen, of the problems and what can be done to make a change. Give the public the information found from research and identify the long-term effects that overfishing will have. Conduct interviews with both environmentalists and experts on the issue as well as fishermen, in order to present both sides of the argument. Attend local city council meetings to introduce the idea and the importance of a presentation as well as schedule a time for one to be made. Present information on what overfishing is, the impact that overfishing has on the marine ecosystem and on our existence, make consumers more aware of the type and amount of fish that they eat, and actions that can be taken to reverse the problem. This would all need to occur within a half year period, so things can start getting started on preventing overfishing, like putting a local restriction on catch limits. This would be determined by statistics when scientists assess and determine the total number of fish that could be caught without a negative impact. And those levels should be constantly monitored and adjusted to accommodate changes. Another thing that must occur is reducing the level of bycatching. This will be done by having rules and techniques, in order to reduce or prevent the killing of any species that are not part of the target

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