Argumentative Essay On Blackfish

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In the documentary Blackfish, the director and writer Garbriela Cowperthwaite (2013) tackles the topic of animal captivity. Within the film Cowperthwaite specifically examines the captivity of orcas at Seaworld. Cowperthwaite's film argues against Seaworld's procedures regarding orcas. Garbriela Cowperthwaite effectively persuades the audience by providing video evidence and including varying interviews. This film is able to provide a large amount of evidence through video footage. Being able to supply audience members with a plethora of visual evidence is one of the many advantages of a documentary. Blackfish used news footage, visual recreations, and Seaworld footage to reason with the audience. By presenting the viewers with a lot of evidence Blackfish persuades the most logical of people. …show more content…

Throughout the film Garbriela Cowperthwaite incorporated a multitude of different types of interviews. At the beginning of the film the audience is introduced to a number of former Seaworld trainers. The former trainers, who are educated on Seaworld's procedures, speak on the treatment of the orcs and their experience as Seaworld trainers. Each of the trainers share personal stories about working with the orcas, which helps the audience connect to these animals and story that Cowperthwaite is presenting. For instance, John Jett, a former Seaworld trainer, shared a personal story about working with orcas: "When you look into their eyes, you know somebody is home" (Cowperthwaite, 2013). By including this statement in the documentary, the audience is able to understand and emotionally connect the story on a deeper

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