Argumentative Narrative Essay: Love At First Sight

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Love at First Sight
Today, many people are arguing about whether love at first sight is real or if it is lust working it’s magic. Love is a strong thing composed of different chemicals that course through your body. There’s also psychological reactions to love, like that of lust. Love at first sight may seem like a far-off dream, but there might be a way to change that.
A common argument is about whether it is lust or love. Lust is something that is controlled by your biological sex drive. Lust is often motivated by physical appearance. Which is one the most important dimensions of lust and love. Author Michael Argyle exemplifies in his book “Bodily Communication.” (1) Love plays by its own rules. It is most often lust formed into something much deeper. Your brain …show more content…

All you should do is grab a random stranger. Next, reveal very intimate details about each other’s lives for a half hour. Finally, stare deep into their eyes without talking for four minutes. He had many test subjects perform this thirty-four-minute experiment. Afterwards many of the couples said they felt very attracted to each other. Two of the subjects even got married. (6)
Love is a very controversial term. You may believe in love at first sight, or you may not. Although, the science does not lie. What you feel at the beginning is lust and infatuation not true love. True love can only grow. WORKS CITED

1. Argyle, Michael. Bodily Communication. 2nd ed. London: Methuen, 1988.
“one of the most important dimensions of appearance is good looks, beauty, or physical attractiveness (p.a.) in the eyes of others.” Page 250

2. James A. “Grant-Jacob. Love at First Sight.” Frontiers in Psychology. July 28, 2016. July 16, 2017.
Types of attraction.

3. Jann Ingmire. “Eye movements reveal difference between love and lust” UChicagoNews. July 17, 2014. July 16, 2017.
The way you gaze determines lust or

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