Argumentative Essay: Should We Play Football Anymore?

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Terrance Richards Professor Grace Ure Expository Writing 2 Due June 5, 2017 Should we play football anymore? Should we play football anymore? This question is paralyzed in my thoughts. Thinking about my sons and if I would want them to go through the pain mentally and physically that I have gone through the past 12 years of my life. Although I would not trade in the experiences that I have had. My four best friends in the entire world, I have all met because of football. I have had experiences that gave me a feeling that I would compare to being on the best and strongest drug on planet earth because of football. Yet I still ask myself if it is worth it because of the long-term effect of it. The way that football will draw you in like an award-winning novel and spit you out with no remorse about what you had to give up for the game. But I believe that we should allow our children to play football and not strip them of the experiences that I have received. Even though I feel this way there are many people that do not agree with me. …show more content…

This is a gruesome and terrible sport at the surface. We tell men to get to get in a tiptop shape and run into each other head first, over and over. You can compare athletes to ancient roman gladiators in more than one ways because not only are football players in tip top shape but they are also every day they step out into their “arena “ they risk their lives and understand that they may not be able to walk away in one

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