Argumentative Essay: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Marijuana should be allowed to be legalized because Marijuana never really shows a health risk, nor does it really give a side effect from using it. Even though Marijuana is a drug it is not considered as a gateway drug. Marijuana is a great way for kids to stop having seizures, also the drug for the kids helps them be in a better mood and help with other problems. When marijuana is used, there isn't enough evidence to show that marijuana is addictive. This drug could help those people with problems, help those parents to see their child calm. These parents would like to see their child be calm and happy from what they go through. There is very little evidence that smoking marijuana has a significant health risk to the human body. People would say it's like tobacco, that it irritates the throat and lungs and can cause heavy coughing when smoking. Even if it does irritates the throat and lungs for some people, there are other ways to insert marijuana into your system. For instance, marijuana can be made as a treat, like brownies. This could help the person not have an “irritation” in their lungs or throat. Another way is to …show more content…

When being treated to calm down people with epilepsy, they would mostly use the average Antiepileptic drugs. The average number of use before Cannabidiol enrich was low. Once the Cannabidiol enrich goes into play “Sixteen (84%) of the nineteen parents reported a reduction in their child's seizure”. Two parents(11%) reported complete seizure freedom, eight(42%) of the group reported an 80% reduction in seizure frequency. The other six(32%) reported 25-60% seizure reduction. Other great effects include increased alertness, better mood, and improved sleep. This clearly shows that marijuana is helping kids that have a medical problem. That marijuana is a treatment for them and it will help more in the

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