Argumentative Essay: Should Everyone Have Access To Healthcare?

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Do you think everyone should have access to healthcare? I think people should have access to health care at a lower cost. Some people might take advantage of the cheap health care which could be a bad thing. On the other hand, if the costs of healthcare keep rising, the quality of treatment could possibly decline. Which is also a very bad thing. What is healthcare, you might ask. Well according to the diccionary, "Health care or healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings." So basically what that is saying, is health care is going to the doctor and having a check up, getting a surgery, getting a shot, really anything that has to do with your physical and or mental health. A website called 'Just facts' talks about the spending rates of health care each year. "Between 1960 and 2016, healthcare spending in the United States increased, from an average of $151/person per year to $10,320 (by 69 times)." That is a whole lot of money per year. …show more content…

Health care will obviously cover the cost of the visit to the doctors office and provide so many other very important advantages. By having health care, you will automatically be free from or safe from crazy high medical costs. That is reassuring. Another great thing about being covered by health care, is that you will have free preventive care. For instance all vaccines, screenings, and even check ups will be

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