Argumentative Essay On The Outsiders

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In the book The Outsiders, written by S. E. Hinton, Ponyboy and his friends have been fighting with the Socs for years, but one day things go horribly wrong. The novel focuses on how Ponyboy realizes how important the rest of the Greasers are to him. He experiences many hardships that alters his perception of the differences between the Socs and Greasers. The three topics addressed in this charming novel are the fight between rich and poor, what it means to be a hero, and the power of friendship. First, Ponyboy and the Greasers would often get discriminated by the Socs. “The medium-sized blond pulled a knife out of his back pocket and flipped the blade open.… They had me down in a second…. It occurred to me that they could kill me” (5). This shows that a group of Socs were attempting to kill Ponyboy without a valid reason. This also shows how badly Socs treat the Greasers. “‘Here’s the little greasers that picked up our girls.… Give this kid a bath, David.’ ...the Soc caught my arm… and shoved my face into the fountain. I’m drowning, I thought…” (55-56) This shows that the Socs, being obnoxious and ignorant, misunderstood the situation, almost killing Ponyboy and Johnny. …show more content…

“Dally appeared after a minute…. ‘Here’ -- he handed us a gun and a roll of bills...” (60). This shows how quickly Dally reacted after Ponyboy and Johnny asked for help. This also shows how much willingly Dally would help them even at the risk of going to jail. “‘Oh, damnit Johnny, don’t die, please don’t die…’ He suddenly bolted through the door and down the hall…. He was jerked half around by the impact of the bullets, then slowly crumpled with a look of grim triumph. He was dead before he hit the ground” (149-154). This shows how strong Johnny and Dally’s bond was. This also shows that, since the bond was so strong, Dally could not live any longer. The author showed how great a friendship could be, even going as far as

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