Argumentative Essay On Swing Kids

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Swing kids is a historic fictional movie based in Hamburg,Germany. It’s about a group of teenagers in the late 1930’s who were very fond of swing music from America, though it was against the law under Nazi regime. The “swing kids” hated the Hitler Jugend, or the Hitler Youth and swore to never become like them, so they rebelled and went to secret clubs nearly every night to swing dance without the Nazis knowing. The three friends face the Nazis head on, whether by joining the HJ or being a victim of the Hitler Jugend’s abuse. One joins the HJ by force of the law and stands up to the Nazis, the other joins to stay with his friend and gets caught up in the Nazi ways, and the third commits suicide to avoid ever being like the Nazis. Peter, a …show more content…

Thomas beat up some HJ soldiers from hurting what he thought was a Swing Kid, so he definitely had a hefty temper. He was also a coward. When faced with a problem, Thomas always took the easy way out, he never stood up for what he believed in. He lets Peter take all of the blame for stealing the radio when he was a major part of the crime, too. Despite hating the Nazis,Thomas willingly joins the HJ, which is the farthest thing from standing up for what you believe in. He eventually sides with the Nazi party and goes as far as to turn his own father into the Nazis and beating Peter with a stick for dancing when the HJ raided swing club, and he enjoys being in the Hitler Jugend. Thomas’s best friends were Peter and Arvid, but Thomas and Peter were always closer to each other than they were to Arvid. Thomas and Arvid had a rocky relationship. He’d always pick on Arvid for being a cripple or making fun of his love of records, which led Arvid to become frustrated and act out on his friends. After Arvid committed suicide, Peter and Thomas grew far apart because Peter hated who his friend had become. At the very end of the movie, the two bonded over swing again as Peter was being taken away to a work camp by the

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