Argumentative Essay On Self-Driving

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From riding horses to driving cars, these modes of transportation have brought entertainment and joy to the human society. However, the invention of self-driving cars takes away the enjoyment and freedom of driving in the professional and in the conventional world.

As driving becomes increasingly automated and advance, better safety technology and self-driving programs are applied to cars. In align with Perspective One, the self-driving cars leads to greater road safety and less car accidents due to superior awareness of surroundings that self-driving cars have.; therefore, governments should encourage people to switch to self-driving cars. In 2016, an interesting case of self-driving cars saving the day was that a man was saved by Telsa's autopilot by driving him to the hospital. According to CNBC, the man had a fatal blood vessel blockage in his lung which was life-threatening if not treated immediately. However, before the man lost consciousness, he enabled the autopilot which drove him to the nearest hospital …show more content…

While some people does like driving and support self-driving cars, many others still love the act of driving and as well watch others drive. If self-driving cars were to be implemented, people would lose their interest in driving as it is not necessary to learn how to drive anymore. This results in the collapse of new generations of both drivers and spectators in the Formula 1 and NASCAR world. Besides, many people just enjoy driving since they get a priceless experience of freedom. For instance, in many 21st century automobile commercials, such as Jeep, Ford, Honda, and etc, companies advertise their cars for how great they would be when using it on a road trip. As a result, this demonstrates the popularity of road trips and as Perspective Three states people simply enjoy

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