Argumentative Essay On Opioids

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STRICTER OPIOID LAWS- What Does It Mean if You Really Are in Chronic Pain?
There is another side to America’s war on opioids. Many with chronic pain conditions now find greater difficulty obtaining opioid medications for their condition.
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As federal and state regulators put measures in place to limit access to drugs that have claimed thousands of lives, many people are losing access to those important medications. Lawmakers’ new rules fall hard on people who really need relief from pain. Legitimately.
Yesterday Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the formation of the Opioid Fraud and Abuse Detection Unit, a new Department of Justice pilot program. In addition, he announced a new data analytics …show more content…

But where does that leave the over 100 million US adults suffer from pain that never ends, often the result of injury, disease, or dysfunction of the nervous system. In an atmosphere of heightened concern about opioids, patients in pain face reluctant doctors, wary pharmacists, and the frequent demand to prove that they are not in the grips of a substance use disorder.
Opioids are not their only option. Many get relief from other drugs. They’re rarely able to completely stop the pain, but instead patients find themselves cobbling together a mishmash of remedies to carry on with their lives, for which a collection of opioids provide a legitimately important ingredient.
Clinical guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been updated to reduce the amount of opioids prescribed for the treatment of chronic pain. The opioid crisis emerged in large part from poor understanding of how to treat chronic pain. Strong research now could help to improve the way pain is managed and encourage the appropriate use of

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