Argumentative Essay On Media Bias

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Personally, I believe the media is more bias today that it was in 2004. As time goes on the news outlets seem to be more increasingly polarized on their focus on politics. A strong argument for a liberal media bias can be made starting with the fact that only 7% of journalist are republican (5 Statistics That Show, 2017). With conservatives being underrepresented in the journalist side of news it can is logical that news stories will be more left leaning than right leaning. The personal biases of those researching news are consistently reflected in the news stories that we see on television and in newspapers. Another fact that can not be overlooked in the issue of media biases is that 96% of donations made by the media to presidential candidates …show more content…

I believe that you should be able to use your money how you want and support who you want, that is freedom. However, that does not change the fact that the media is supposed to portray news and information objectively this is hard to do when you are funneling far more money into the campaign of one candidate than the other. The media had a clear interest in helping Hillary Clinton win the election and their polls consistently put Clinton higher than Trump (Election Update: Clinton Gains, 2016). On election day these polls were proven completely wrong when Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. The liberal bias was brought to light on that day, the news outlets were almost unanimously proven wrong. The video we watched talked about the media coverage in 2014 about the use of terms like suicide bombers to describe Palestinians verses the term terrorist to describe those who attacked the twin towers. Those Palestinians who preformed suicide bombings were not referred to as terrorist while whose who attacked the twin towers were consistently referred to as

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