Argumentative Essay On Marion Jones

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We usually consider an individual to be exceptional if that person has one or more abilities that most people do not have. Marion Jones, a black, beautiful and determined women as stated in the film “Copy of 30 for 30 Marion Jones press,” faced huge consequences and jeopardized her career, reputation, and integrity. In 2008, Marion Jones was convicted and sentenced to six months in federal prison for lying to federal prosecutors about steroid use. At such a young age Marion showed exceptional individualism she was offered a basketball scholarship to the University of North Caroline Chapel Hill. Even her coach Silvia Hatchell said that Jones portrayed the structure of a movie star. Marion had it all, she was on the cover is various U.S magazines such as Sports Illustrated, …show more content…

A great example was given the essay, “Forget Me . . . Not: Marion Jones and the Politics of Punishment,” Delia informs us that, “If a white man disobeys the laws he's classified as law abiding and virtuous, but when black women they are upheld as a threat to american cultural values. “Judge Karas, delivers an unfair and biased statement on why Marion deserved her time in prison. He’s aware that athletes in society have this prestige status, not only do they entertain, they also inspire young children. He punished Marion, “because of the need for general deterrence and the need to promote respect for the law.” Yet, his statement is very contradicting having in mind that other male athletes are getting away with using PED’s. The judge’s ruling meant that Jones would lose all that she gained because of the fact of her black femaleness. It’s very unfair and saddening that women in this case Marion, was punished unfairly due to her gender and race. William Rhoden, sportswriter said that the court historically does not have mercy on black people in America. Marion Jones is the first athlete to go to jail for lying about steroid

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