Argumentative Essay On Legalization Of Drugs

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The legalization of drug use is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. That is what a friend said to me when I asked if legalizing drug use could have some benefits. We know that the issue of drugs seems to be a problem that most people reject, by the just fact that there are many negative things associated with them such as crime, addiction, and death. Society perception rejects the legalization of drug use, but like many things, ignorance plays an important role in creating prejudgments without concrete basics. Legalizing drug use is a controversial issue among the international society with high political costs for those who dare to suggest it, but there are some important aspects that make me suggest that drug use should be regulated by the government. The drug use prohibition has had several problems like the alcohol prohibition some years ago in United States. Many people argue that legalizing the use of drugs will have unimaginable consequences. However, we know well about past events and what may happen in the future are only unproven theories. Now, history is happening again. For example, the criminal Al Capone maintained his power as he controlled the police, it finished when the state decided to end his reign through the legalization of alcohol consumption. However, instead of recognizing the failure …show more content…

Many people argue that you cannot compare the drug trade to normal trade in non-prohibited goods. However, the drug trade has the same function as any company, manufactures, developers and sellers of items. With the disappearance of the underground drug dramatically reduces the social problems linked to such activities. According to the UN, the drug trade generates $ 400,000 million annually, which represents 8% of world trade. That booty is an irresistible temptation in the criminal world. In addition, they do not pay taxes for their

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