Argumentative Essay On Horse Hooves

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“I predict that the natural hoof care practitioner of the future will be less of a trimmer, than a diagnostician of healthy changes in the hoof and an expert at creating natural behavioral stimuli in the track that serve the adaptation mechanism”(Jackson). What I will be talking about during this research paper is shoeing horses. Contemplating the workings of horse hooves, I found that a horse being shod does not hurt the hoof like so many would argue because when a horse is working on hard ground, the wearing down of the hoof is greater than the hoof growth and the extra protection prevents soreness. My main points throughout this paper will be the history of horseshoes, different types of hooves, how natural selection has been prevalent …show more content…

Since horses were the key to a family’s livelihood, they took the time to care for their horses’s hooves because if their horse went lame, they were in trouble. When looking at hoof structure we see that hooves are prone to wearing down on hard ground, and they cannot grow fast enough to beat the wearing down. When horses suddenly went lame, I’m sure it was a surprise to families - and then they had to learn how to counteract the wearing down of the hoof. Going back into ancient history we see evidence of hoof protection. Horsemen in ancient Asia would protect their horses hooves with booties made from hides and woven plant material. This extra cushioning would protect hooves from the long hours of work on hard ground, and probably helped prevent lameness in horses. My general belief is that shoeing a horse can benefit the majority of horses, but it truly depends on the hoof structure of each individual horse. On the other hand, barefoot can be good in the cases of really hard feet, but will also vary from horse to …show more content…

“The Mustangs have NO hoof care and they’re perfectly fine!” You also don’t normally see elf hooves on Mustangs - why is this? Contrary to popular belief, Mustangs are selectively bred, by nature. Since horses have been out on the range for thousands of years, the ones that are currently out there now are the result of natural selection. Over time the weakest links are weeded out, while the strong survive. “No hoof, no horse” is a popular saying, and I find truth behind it. The process of natural selection means that over time the hooves of Mustangs have become stronger and stronger. Think of it like this, there are two mares, A & B, and two stallions, C & D. Over a period of 5 years, mare A becomes lame and stallion D has cracked, abscessed hooves. They are both lame. If a cougar chases all four of these horses, which two will survive? Yes, mare B and stallion C will survive. They will go on to produce a foal with stronger hooves than mare A and stallion D would have. This is natural selection, and it is the current and future mustang’s best

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