Argumentative Essay On Female Senators

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A rebuke to the male-centric culture created by Mikulski, the ‘dean’ of women in the Senate, was the emergence of the regular dinners among the female Senators. The aim of these dinners is to build collegiality and camaraderie among the women and to enjoy some time off from the pressures and stresses of their demanding jobs. The cross-section of female Senators is diverse in terms of age, background, interests, and political beliefs. However, this bipartisan ritual has persisted for over two decades to bond the women of the Senate together while in an occupational culture that has been at best apathetic and uninviting and at worse hostile and overtly challenging. The bipartisanship and collegiality among female Senators in recent years has extended well beyond the regular dinners and into their legislative work. Cooperation by female Senators across party lines in recent years is most prevalent when the legislation is regarding a ‘women’s issue.’ This seems to …show more content…

Republican women in particular have been excluded from legislation drafting committees and left out of committee chair positions; Senator Murkowski is the only female Republican committee chairwoman. Given that only 5 of the 52 Republican Senators are women, female Senators in the current Senate “are so underrepresented in the Republican conference” and the number of female Senators is “so paltry they don’t register in that power hierarchy.” Reminiscent of the all-male Anita Hill hearings from 1992, no female Republican was involving in the drafting of the Republican’s Obamacare repeal bill, even though Senator Collins is a health care expert. Despite their exclusion from the power hierarchy, female Senators are quick to receive insults and scorn from their male colleagues when they run afoul of party

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