Argumentative Essay On Drone Strikes

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Argument Essay The topic of the use of drones is widely considered as a “hot topic”. As of today the U.S. still continues it’s use of drone strikes overseas. I believe the U.S. should stop it’s use of drones because it is making our current situations worse while others believe it will make the U.S. safer by annihilating terrorist networks across the world. Drone strikes don’t help us solve our current situations but instead they make more problems worse. Al Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula extremist grew from 300 in 2009 to 700 in 2012 due to drone attacks. The U.S. should stop it’s use of drones strikes because it doesn't help. Drone strikes lead to the creation of more extremists than reducing the number as intended. Civilians who see their loved one get hurt and become angry with the United States and turn against the United States. Both the Underwear Bomber and Time’s Square Bomber cited drone strikes in Pakistan,Yemen, and Somalia as motivators of their plot’s. This statistic proves that as the use of drone strikes increase, it causes more and more ordinary people to become extremists. …show more content…

President Obama policy of “signature strike” allow the CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency) and the JSOC ( Joint Special Operation Command) to target anyone who fits a specific terrorists profiles of engages behavior the U.S. associates with extremists of weather or not they have been conclusively identified by name or enemy combats. In 2 sets of classified documents obtained by NBC News describing 114 drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan between September 3 2010 and October 30 2011, 26 strikes targeted “other militants” meaning that the CIA could not conclusively determine the affiliations of those

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