Argumentative Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Loss of Licence Over Drinking and Driving Drinking while driving is very well known around the United States. Drivers license should be lost and suspended for a year if caught drinking while driving. It is a dangerous habit to get into and people should not get away with it. Drinking while driving is dangerous to the public and has very serious effects who drinks. Why Should a problem like this be dealt with? This is very dangerous to those around and people could get seriously hurt from this. It’s not right that people get hurt and injured from a car accident because people think it’s ok to drink and drive. Teens are some of the numbered people that are drinking and driving. An example would be a boy by the name of Ethan Couch was son of a multimillionaire was drinking, and driving and crashed into a disabled …show more content…

They are wrong because cell phones can be a distraction but, people can control themselves whether they are texting or not. If they are drunk they have no control of themselves, and don’t have control of what they are doing when driving. Alcohol is increasing your chance more in a car accident then being on your phone while in a vehicle. While in the car people can stop themselves from texting and put away their phone but, when they are drunk they have no control of themselves and get into car accidents. Another thing is drinking and driving should be a crime because it causes several when someone crashes and wrecks.People are getting seriously hurt from these accidents and many die. How is something like this not a crime, well it is killing is a major crime all around. When doing something that is threatening like killing someone is a crime and will get punished for it. The same goes if killing someone in a car accident this would still be considered a crime because it's life threatening to those people. Drinking and driving is the main causes in the car accidents and not cell

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