Addressing Rising Domestic Terrorism in the U.S.

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The country that we live in today isn’t the same that it always has been. Over the many years since the United States of America was founded there have been many changes. Some of those changes being good and some being bad. I believe that Domestic terrorism is a rising problem that needs to be addressed and taken care of immediately. Domestic terrorism is when someone from inside the country or region is attempting to do harm on their own country or region. I am choosing this topic because like many others I think that the U.S. is a great country and I don’t believe we should allow people to attack us and hurt others in our nation. I know that it is a rising problem based off of the constant stories in the news every day. I also know that it needs to be taken care of as fast as possible or else it will continue to grow until our country is taken down. …show more content…

I also would look into why the attack wasn’t stopped before it happened. Finally, I would probably look into what kind of groups or organizations are in place to monitor the attacks. The sources that I will be using are would probably be from experts in the field that have done extensive research to learn about terrorism. Also I would look to see if any of the experts have proposed a possible solution to terrorism on our country from the inside. Finally, I will probably read some articles about September 11th and other major attacks on the United States. Overall I am very excited to learn more about this topic and see if I can possibly find a solution to domestic

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