Argumentative Essay On Child Trafficking

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Human Trafficking
There are at least twelve point three million enslaved adults and children around the world “at any given time” (1.). Of these, at least one point three nine million are victims of commercial sex slaves, they are in the United States and outside the border (1.). The Legal definition of human trafficking is very big, the easy meaning of it isn’t. It happens when a person is against their will to work under control of another person or organization. It could be a sec act for money or anything worse. It could also be a force to pay off a loan. On a more serious note, the big discussion here is Child Trafficking. Most people say that Child Trafficking is an “invisible Crime”, because its signs are not always obvious to the natural eye (citation). There are some indicators that may serve as a tip-off. The government should investigate how people are able to kidnap and capture children for their benefits. It’s not hard to understand if someone is being enslaved. There are a few different accusations that include: Shows signs of being abused, if that person hasn’t ate in the past few days, doesn’t know a lot about where he/she lives. Also if that child or teenager usually dates …show more content…

You get beaten, imagine you were in a taxi and the taxi driver shut the middle window where he couldn’t hear you and you couldn’t hear him. Then he passes where he is supposed to be taking you. You feel scared. There is nothing you can do but call for help, but you don’t know where you are because you cant see out the windows because the tint is so dark on the inside. Imagine you were in a taxi and the taxi driver shut the middle window where he couldn’t hear you and you couldn’t hear him. Then he passes where he is supposed to be taking you. You feel scared. There is nothing you can do but call for help, but you don’t know where you are because you can’t see out the windows because the tint is so dark on the

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