Argumentative Essay On Ceidric Jennings

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Cedric Jennings is an anomaly at Ballou High School in the Southeast neighborhood of Washington, D.C. in a poorly performing school where academic achievement is scorned, Cedric proudly strives for high grades with a desire to attend a top university. The sub-par standards at Ballou place him at a distinct disadvantage academically, while frequent taunts and physical threats from other students has alienated him socially. Cedric lives with his mother, Barbara Jennings, who works for the Department of Agriculture his father Cedric Gilliam is a drug dealer currently in jail. In his junior year, Cedric is admitted to the Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science summer program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He believes this is the start of a new life for him, but when summer arrives he finds the classes much more difficult than his fellow MITES students who attended better schools and were better versed in math and science. Though …show more content…

Cedric is infuriated when the teacher of the classes he attends, Mr. Fleming, claims to know which students will die after leaving Slater. Meanwhile, Barbara back in Washington, D.C. is facing eviction as depression leads her to making poor financial decisions. When Cedric complains to her about Rob, she suggests that the conflict is a test from God. Rob and Cedric mend their relationship somewhat, as Rob invites Cedric to his birthday party and Cedric agrees to go. In his education class, Cedric writes a poem for his midterm paper. Wakeford allowed for the possibility but is nevertheless surprised; he ultimately gives Cedric a B for the paper but warns he'll be more stringent in marking the final. Cedric had healed his rift with Zayd by this time, showing him the poem and going music shopping with

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