Argumentative Essay On Bleachers By John Grisham

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Can someone let go of the past? Sometimes remembering the past can be a good thing. For instance, keeping all the mistakes from the past can help one make better decisions in the future. On the other side keeping the past may mean one will live in the past, never in the future. If one is able to get past the mistakes and learn from them one will be able to have a better life in the future. In John Grisham’s Bleachers, he shows how overcoming the past can benefit life and happiness. In Bleachers, Nat Sawyer was a Messina Spartan in high school. He was known as the worst punter in the history of Spartan football. Nat got an award named after one of his touchdowns he made; it is called Ugliest Touchdown of the Year. Nat said, “After we graduated I sort of migrated to D.C., where it didn’t take me long to figure out whom I am and what I am. I didn’t sneak out of the closet, Neely, I kicked the damned door down” (Grisham 94). When Nat moved back to Messina he knew he was going to be the only openly homosexual in town, yet he still moved back. Nat was …show more content…

When Nat was able to be himself, he allowed himself to have a happy life, to be able to do what he wants. If Nat had not allowed himself to let go of the past he would not be able to live his life the way that he wants. John Grisham also created a character in Bleachers that was not able to let go of his past. Neely Crenshaw was an all-American quarterback, one of the greatest players to be a Messina Spartan. He started three of the four years in high school; he had many recruits looking and offering him a scholarship to play at their school. Neely went on to play at Tech, until one game he got hit late on a play and received a career ending injury on his knee. He was not able to play football again; he went from a star football player to just another student at

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