Argumentative Essay On Banning The N Word

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As a white child, the word nigger never effected me in a big way, not until I got older and started having black friends, but also white friends who didn’t so much agree with my decision, hearing the “N” word used in a term as hate toward my friends affected me in ways I never understood, I can definitely say that it changed the way I thought of the the “N” word, which can be harmful to one, and meaningless to another, each person takes this word differently, but I don’t believe that it should be banned, and I don’t see why anyone would want to ban a book from a time period when white people and black people did not like each other, and when black people were slaves, considering the book is all about a white boy and black man becoming friends …show more content…

“The problem is racism” which is the honest truth, it isn’t the word, it is the person and how the person uses it, if jay-z put nigger in his song, he isn’t being racist he is simply adding meaning and soul to his lyrics. Oprah on the other hand had a completely different view on the word, and its affect on her and others. She stated to Jay-Z that she wasn't a big fan of rap music because of the use of “nigger” or “nigga”, she said she felt this was because her “generation and generations before her coming up through the civil rights movement” and that she is where she is in life because of the generation before her fighting for civil rights. She stated “that word carried such a sense of hatred”, they agreed to disagree because their points of view were different, considering the day and age they grew up in. I strongly believe that everyone takes everything differently, and that each person has a different meaning. As for me, “nigger” is a word I never used, not to sing, not to talk to people, not shouting it at people, because you never know how that person will react to the word, but now the word “nigga” has a totally different meaning, although I only call my very close black friends this when talking or playing with them, I still wouldn’t call someone I didn’t know this. “Nigga” is also used in so many songs, it is heard throughout the halls at school,

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