Argumentative Essay: Is Parkour Really A Sport?

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Parkour was never considered has a sport and it is not an Olympic discipline. Is parkour really a sport? I personally think that it is a sport because of three things: physical abilities, mental abilities and hard working. In like every sport you need to have those three to succeed.

Physical Abilities
In parkour you need to be fit as in fact 89% of the people who do parkour have a 6% body fat. People might think that you don’t need to be that strong and in good shape. That is true because 79% of the people witch do parkour except from the army weight less than 190 lbs. But to do that kind of stuff because you need to have a strong core because the core ( abs and low back ) is the key to stability which is really important in that kind of sport …show more content…

In parkour the mental is the most important part. Every mistake you make can cause you and injury or god forbid death. Yes they are wearing sometimes some protection that can provide them from a broken arm to a broken knee. But when it comes to high parkour the protection doesn’t matter because when you fall from the top of a house, the fall might be deadly. That is why you need to stay as focused as possible to make the lesser mistake possible because you will make mistake no matter what.

Hard Working
In every sport, you need to work hard. Even to some people might not be gifted physically as others. Yes it’s true that genetics has a big role in that but my cousin does parkour and he started at 15. You need to know that he his 6 foot 6 with a 7 foot wingspan. His has really long legs so it’s hard for him to jump and to stay stable. But this is when my theory comes in. No matter how talented or not you are, if your work hard you will secede. Now he his 25 and he is the Navy Seal, the elite group of the army. You need to be really good at parkour to do that stuff. He worked really hard and he got where he always wanted to be: in the army. In like every other sport when you work hard you get results.

In conclusion, this is why I think it should be a sport. It’s a sport because of the physical abilities, the mental abilities and the hard work. And you, do you think it should be recognized has a sport or more like an

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