Argumentative Essay: Is College Worth The Cost?

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Carlos Eduardo Mexquititla Romero Is College Worth the Cost? Section 3 Is college worth the cost, many student starts to ask themselves this same question. Back in the 80s college was much cheaper, like a lot cheaper. Over the year colleges prices have risen exponentially since 1985, it has risen by 538%. For what? Some college’s graduates come out of college broke and in a lot of debt for a diploma. What is the purpose you went to school and completed the course so you become jobless or underemployed you spent a big portion of money for more money not less. People have paid hundred thousands of dollars for a diploma. That is outrageous, we have to pay it back to the bank and they later charges you more for what you went to college. College graduates who are jobless or underemployed spend most of their life trying to pay back to the bank. If student goes to the bank and asks for another loan the bank is going to reject them because of the money they owe. College puts people in harsh situations, some people even goes in debt. Although, college provides financial aids and scholarship it is still not worth the money everyone spends on it. According to The Atlantic newspaper they say “About 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent of bachelor's degree-holders are in under the age of 25. last year most of them …show more content…

College is great place for life lessons and future. All the wealthy family pays for their spouts because they can afford it. Some gets financial aids and scholarship. Those are only given to people who are smart and have good SAT/ACT score, but what about people who are not as smart and not very wealthy. They wanna attend college but they can not because of their financial problems. So those unwealthy people says college is not a worth. As they are already not in good financial place and if they goes to college they would not able to live their life, it be over in

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