Argumentative Essay: Do Guns Cause Violence?

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Guns do not cause violence, although guns are the tool that it is done with. Guns should not be banned, or made illegal. A gun can never kill simply because it is a firearm. There must always be a person behind that weapon with intent to do harm for it to be apart of violence. America is also a country founded upon the ideas that we have the right to not only defend ourselves from others, but defend ourselves from unfair governments and policing's. Guns are a culture in this country because they've built it up, defended it, and has been a symbol of freedom that we in this country have the availability to do so. Guns are not the issue, for the shooter is to blame. Regulating the use of guns does no good to our nation, for the real cause of killings are humans themselves.

With things like the 24/7 news cycle, fear mongering and simple ignorance, everyone has misconstrued the issue onto guns unjustly. What ever happened to a crazy guy being crazy? It always has to be his guns! It has to be the republicans! It's the democrats and their liberal agendas! It's video games, movies, or even everything but the simple psyche of someone who
Quinteros 2 thought it to be appropriate to end someone's life. The media regularly strives to pinpoint guns for the cause of violent acts.

Should guns be banned because it just makes it …show more content…

51.7% of Alabama owns guns and they have extremely laid back laws for them, and their gun murder rate per 100,000 people is 2.8. California has a rate of 3.4, on top of having way more people and fewer known guns, so obviously it's not working. There are 11,000 murders with guns every year and guns are used 100,000 times a year for self defense. There are roughly 90 guns to 100 people in the US, even if gun control or amnesties will slightly lower the statistic, criminals aren't going to turn them in at any reasonable

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