Argumentative Essay: Do Actors Enter The Arts?

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Many people have natural born beauty and this could benefit you greatly and give you the the the part just because your physicality and boy type is perfect for the created character, “Many actors enter the arts because they have always possessed these unique behaviors. Others develop them over years of training and practice,” stated the founders of Good Therapy. Supporting the topic giving the argument more of a reason to not only to believe but to continue engaged with the actors and the relationship that they have with the audience. For an actor who continues to push through making every performance his/her best, Audiences support the hard work and beauty in fine art performances and will continue to as long as they are taking care of themselves …show more content…

Which seems like you are doing the right thing but you are actually making it worse because not everyone will have the same opinion or views as you, so not as many will see the show the actors will still be suffering as well as losing money. “ Audiences celebrate actors with a wide range of emotional skills and benefit from their expertise. But it has often been theorized that these actors may pay a price for providing such entertainment” (Good Therapy). Supporting the idea that the audiences support is what continues the fine arts and without them they would have nothing, but to try and continue with what little that they have left. Audience is a key member to the performance, without an audience there is no show and without a show, there sadly will be no more actors. Who are willing to go through great length for your own entertainment. Conclusion for Argument 2 To conclude the negative aspects of method acting, there are ways to be their characters without going through many painful-physically and mentally- days and nights of hard work. But will never try, for the fear of not succeeding. But Even Though there are many negatives to this technique, there are as well many benefits this technique has. But between the two there will need to be a compromise, and there definitely is.

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