Argumentative Analysis

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Ansalone (2010) discusses the disadvantages that students experience when they are ability grouped. Students who are in the lower groups are often given a watered down version of the curriculum and in effect they are presented information in a less imaginative manner, in effect denies the disadvantaged student to learn. On the contrary students, who are in the high group, receive benefits of being in this more elite group. Often time’s students are presented information in a differentiated manner and higher teacher expectations favor these higher grouped children (8).
Mulcahy (2011) states, “This principal of (cooperative grouping) has been extended to business and professional settings, and falls in line with an ever-growing emphasis in the …show more content…

After conducting research and reading literature on ability based grouping, I firmly believe we are doing a disservice to our students when we group them based on ability. Now that I have the knowledge of how ability based grouping emerged, I not only believe we holding our learners back, I believe we are also committing a moral disservice. There has been overwhelming research which I have discussed in this analysis which repeatedly states the importance of students, high and low learners, can both benefit from the heterogeneous grouping.
My main moral issue with the concept of homogeneous ability grouping, is the separation of classes. As I have discussed previously, Ansalone has reveled the reasons why homogeneous groups were created, and we are carrying out this immoral separation still today. Ansalone (2010) states, “ Lower tracks (groups) are characterized by an inferior education; while economically advantaged students are more often placed in upper tracks, typically characterized by high currency curriculum and career advantage (p 6).” I believe that all students should have an opportunity to career readiness or college preparatory courses. In the world of education, it is our duty to expose as many students as possible to opportunities that could help mold their lives in a positive way. I don't believe any moral educator believes that just the wealthy or a certain race should be given these

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