Argument Against Hunting

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The human population is estimated to be 7,404,976,783 midyear of 2016. It is the exhaust of nearly 7 billion humans that causes the greenhouse effect leading to catastrophic global overheating" (Human Population). As an avid hunter, I know that hunting is important to help the wilderness survive. Hunting helps controls population and keeps the spread of diseases down. Yes, some hunting is bad, but there are families that get most of their food from hunting. As people continue to expand and populate, there is a need for more livable space, which pushes human to take land from wilderness and rural areas. This causes less room for natural predators. There will be a greater need for people to help control the population of animals when there is no natural predators to do so. Human have a huge impact on the environment. Not only do animals over populate, humans do as well. I not say that humans should be hunted, but people need to start caring more about the environment, before it's gone. According to Simone Ciuti, "This demand has led to growing and increasingly pervasive network of roads that extends the reach of humans into the wildlife habitat" (1). Humans make animal habitats smaller by construction of homes and business. The deer population in some places are …show more content…

Hunting is for food and a way to survive. To a trophy hunter all animals are just a decoration on the wall. Do non-trophy hunters try to get the biggest animal they can yes, but they are grateful even if they get a small animal. Authors Darimont, and Child write in the article "What Enables size-selective...," they state "like other predator, wildlife hunters vary in knowledge-based and physical traits..."(1). We can look at deer and elk for example, when people hunt they look for the largest antlers and body they can find. Those deer and elk are the smartest and usually never come out from hiding until it is dark or the end of the hunting

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