Arguement for the Legalization of Marijuana

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Legalizing Marijuana So we all know marijuana is illegal in most states but honestly it’s like the prohibition of alcohol; it didn’t work. For most this is true “If your parents tell you not to your going to”. So if the government tells people not to do something, they will do it anyway. So prohibition doesn’t help anything because all it does is make people more sneaky also, as we know moonshiners became basically one of the biggest drug traffickers back then and today the US drug market is one of the world’s most commercially viable and attracts drug traffickers from every dark corner on the globe, its bringing the worst people here we need to stop it, according to my research anyway. So that’s another reason the federal Gov. should legalize marijuana. The main reason marijuana should be legalized, is because it’s been proven to be a better pain reliever than most other pain killers on the market today. Based on Health Day’s Reporter Brenda Goodman should marijuana get clinically legalized in all states it will put most of other pain killers out...

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