Are Zoos Inhumane

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Zoos: Humane or Inhumane? Millions of people worldwide visit zoos or aquariums with their families. These habitats are designed for society as a whole to come together and see animals which may not live natively to these people. However the question is always raised: are animals in zoos and aquariums treated humanely, and is it fair for them to live in captivity for their entire lives? Zoos and aquariums were designed for society as a whole to come together and see animals that may not live native to their homeland. These people would not see these types of animals in any other way if the habitats had not existed. According to Time magazine, “responsible zoos and aquariums exist to facilitate and promote the conservation of animals.” The conservation of animals is more important now than ever, because the earth is going through a “Sixth Extinction” according to Elizabeth Colbert, a Pulitzer-Prize winner. These institutions are ready to combat those threats using their breeding programs to continue different species and to continue genetic biodiversity. Some animals, after being …show more content…

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, have an article on their website that speaks about zoos and pseudo-zoos. This article states, “deprivation….causes many captive animals to lose their minds. Animals with this condition, called ‘zoochosis,’ often rock, sway, or pace endlessly and some even resort to hurting themselves by chewing on their own fingers and limbs, or pulling out their fur or feathers.” PETA also states that some animals are prescribed antidepressants or antipsychotics to try to curb the abnormal behavior. Humane Conservation is a certification process that must be certifies health and working conditions for animals in zoos and aquariums. This was designed to keep animals safe, as well as those working with these animals

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