Are Executives Worth What They Paid Essay

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Are top executives worth what they are paid?
The issue of executive compensation is one that has raised media and public scrutiny for many years. On the one hand, executives are viewed as being afforded exorbitant compensation packages, while the other paints a picture of select and fortunate individuals who provide a service that is unmatched and are therefore worthy of larger compensation packages and perks. However, due to the economic hardships facing the global environment it is clear that executives are being rewarded at a level that is not commensurate to their contributions to the organization.

In 2012, the average multiple of CEO compensation in the United States to that of regular employees, was 204, which shows an increase of 20% since 2009. For 2013, the multiple has increased further to 350, which means that the average executive made 350 times the average employee in wages and benefits (Smith and Kuntz 2013). This is justified as being an investment by the firm, placing their confidence in the ability …show more content…

He states that critics err in passing judgement on the success rate of CEO’s, and that their pay is strictly driven by market force. He also indicates that there are two ways to assess top executive pay but they are often used in misleading ways. The first is the estimated or ex ante value, which includes salary, bonus and the value of restricted stock issued that year. This is only an estimate of what the executive should receive from the board for a given year and is not a measure of what they take home because the executive does not cash in the stock options. The second tool is realised or actual pay, which includes salary, bonus, value of restricted stock and the value of options exercised that year (Kaplan 2008). This means that estimated pay is always higher and this is what critics use to justify why executives are overpaid even though the actual pay is much

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