Are Competitive Sports Good For Young Teens And Kids?

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Competitive sports Some people believe that competitive sports are not good for young teens and kids because they can be harmful to their health and can lead to lots of injuries. Others believe that competitive sports are good for young teens and kids because they teach responsibility and good sportsmanship. Competitive sports are good for teens and youth.Examples that support this would be that they can teach kids to be challenged and they can help keep kids, healthy, and happy. A major reason that I believe that Competitive sports are a good thing for youth and young teens is that it can help kids learn many skills and be able to handle challenges. In the article Sports: the Benefits of Competitive Athletic Sports Participation in today’sSports Climate, by Kirk Mango, it states, …show more content…

This not only occurs on the competitive field of play but in the practice gym as well. When this happens, their level of perseverance and determination will be tested. The hope here is that they become stronger within over time.” This shows that it gives kids perseverance and helps them know that not everything will come easy in life, and that sometimes they need to be determined to complete things. For example, I play soccer and have for seven years, and sometimes I can not always do what I want and get to the ball and have it the easy way. This teaches me that I need to try as hard as I can and that just doing the least amount possible is not always the best route. Participating in Sports can give kids long lasting friendships that can travel with them their entire life.( Mango, 2012) This shows that Competitive

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