Controversy About Competitive Sports For Kids

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Argument Essay The controversy around competitive sports for kids has been around for a long time. Some people have stated that competitive sports are good for you mentally and physically. They help kids to become better at teamwork, communication, concentracion, leadership, and work ethic. It can help to improve your self esteem. Also, competitive sports help to brings kids with a common interest together. Others say that competitive sports are dangerous to the body as well as the mind. It can cause many injuries when you aren’t playing safely. Some say that the competition between the kids can even lower self esteem. But as long as you keep safe and have fun, I strongly believe that the pros outweigh the cons. Playing sports may have many benefits for children of all ages. Sports help children learn teamwork, leadership, communication, work ethic, dedication, and more. When kids work together, …show more content…

The intense training makes them burn more calories, in turn making them stronger, faster, and generally more fit. People who play a different sport will become better at using the muscles used in their particular sport. For example, a competitive soccer player would have stronger legs to kick the ball and would have good endurance, while football players would have a good throwing arm and are good at running fast for quick bursts. Also, sports are known to have psychological benefits as well. One study done by Jasper Smits, the director at Anxiety Research and Treatment Program at Southern Methodist University and Michael Otto, psychology professor at Boston University showed that “exercise can help reduce depression and anxiety, and can be especially beneficial to people who lack access to traditional treatments, such as drugs or counseling.” They also found that, “After just 25 minutes, your mood improves, you are less stressed, you have more

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