Arden Balcos's In The Darkness

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Arden Balcos made the drawing In the Darkness by using colored pencils on an 8-inch by 10-inch white sulfite paper. The drawing consisted of a frog swarmed around green oval shapes in a black colored background. The elements of art that the artist used were color, value and shape. The colors green, brown and yellow were used for the frog. The objects that had vibrant colors were the frog and the oval shapes surrounding it. Another element that the artist used was space. He made the frog bigger than the green shapes. Also, there was some negative space on the top of the drawing but it only led the viewers’ eyes to go back to the frog. The last element that the artist used was value. He was able to make the frog look realistic by making the front portion of the frog in a lighter color and the back portion of the frog in …show more content…

The artist was able to emphasis the frog by using color and space. The background was in the color black while the frog was in a vibrant color of green with a hint of yellow. Moreover, the colors used in the drawing gave the frog a realistic look, which brought more emphasis to it. Another element that was used was space. The frog was big and at the center of the piece of artwork, while the green spots were small. Also, since there was a lot of negative space in the drawing, it emphasized the green frog. Another principle of design that was included was harmony. Harmony was created with shape and color. Around the frog were oval shaped spots that formed a big oval. This created harmony because it brought everything together. Without the oval shaped spots, it would be a frog in a black background and that would be very striking. With the spots, the frog and the background seem to go well with each other. Another way harmony was created was color. Since the frog and the oval shaped spots were both green, the viewer would be able to see the accordance within

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