Archimedes: An Incredible Fraud

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Archimedes: An Incredible Man or An Incredible Fraud? It is believed that a man named Archimedes was known throughout his lifetime as 'the wise one', 'the master', and 'the great geometer', but did a man as great as this truly live? Was he truly so great that he should be constantly compared with Newton and Gauss? Archimedes was born 287 BC in Syracuse, Sicily, which was a Greek City at the time. No one knows about his last name or family life because it was so long ago. He went to 'school' for a few years, and went on to be one of the 'greatest mathematicians' in history. Archimedes lived in a Greek society where they were actually turning away from Greek 'gods' and recognized science, as well as the first people to do science. Since Archimedes'

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